With heartfelt appreciation for Dalton Transactions, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers and RSC Chemical Biology generous support, we are delighted to announce that three prizes of €100 each will be awarded to the best posters presented by students and young scientists who attend the #2024IBiCC.
Voting will be conducted by the Prize Committee and the prizes will be awarded during the closing ceremony, Saturday, May 18. Posters with odd numbers will be visited on Thursday. Posters with even numbers will be visited on Friday. Saturday will give the opportunity to revisit all posters.
Tips: Choose a catchy title, containing the work relevant keywords; keep methods to a very brief overview; use schemes and figures and not blocks of text; choose only the most interesting data that are critical to support your conclusions.
Prize Committee:
Manuel Aureliano, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Bárbara Ferreira, CICECO, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Elisabete Oliveira, NOVA FCT, Lisboa, Portugal