Sponsorship Opportunities
The organising committee is available to discuss and negotiate the type of sponsorship and compensation in order to guarantee the success of the event and the recognition of the brands that support it.
Please contact us at luisa.maia@fct.unl.pt
Platinum sponsor
Organisation name, logo and URL on the conference website
Bare exhibition surface of 6 m2
2 complimentary conference regular registrations
Company merchandising (advertisement leaflets, pencils, note pads, lanyards, etc) distributed in the conference bags
Gold sponsor
Organisation name, logo and URL on the conference website
Bare exhibition surface of 3 m2
1 complimentary conference regular registration
Company merchandising (advertisement leaflets, pencils, note pads, lanyards, etc) distributed in the conference bags
Silver sponsor
Organisation name, logo and URL on the conference website
Company merchandising (advertisement leaflets, pencils, note pads, lanyards, etc) distributed in the conference bags
Personalised sponsorship - international speaker
Sponsoring an international Plenary or Keynote speaker
Organisation name, logo and URL on the programme, in the respective talk ("Lecture sponsored by..."), and on conference website
Company merchandising (advertisement leaflets, pencils, note pads, lanyards, etc) distributed in the conference bags
Personalised sponsorship - national speaker
Sponsoring a national Plenary or Keynote speaker
Organisation name, logo and URL on the programme, in the respective talk ("Lecture sponsored by..."), and on conference website
Company merchandising (advertisement leaflets, pencils, note pads, lanyards, etc) distributed in the conference bags